Even if it doesn’t happen right away, a dirty evaporator coil will eventually lead to problems with the air conditioner in your Grassy Point, FL, home. Fortunately, the signs of a dirty evaporator coil are usually obvious. Read on to see some common indications of a dirty evaporator coil.

Ice on the Coil

Usually, the condensation that forms on the outside of the coil through normal HVAC operation runs down into the drain pan and then outside without a problem. Dirt on the coil, however, will absorb the moisture and freeze. This can also occur from having a dirty air filter, though, so checking the air filter first is a good idea.

Higher Energy Bills

When dirt on the coil interferes with your AC system’s normal operation, the system will wind up using more energy to reach the desired temperature. In addition to costing more, that wasted energy will increase your carbon footprint.

Weak Air Pressure

Both dirt on the coil and low refrigerant can cause weak airflow for the same reason: low air pressure within the system. If you have one of our comfort specialists check over your system and the refrigerant level is full, both dirt on the coil and the resulting ice are the likely causes of the weak airflow from your internal vents.

Blowing Warm Air

As stated, dirt on the coil causes ice to form, which will make the AC system inefficient. The coil won’t cool the air properly, and the AC system will blow the warmer air through the interior vents.

We’ve earned an A+ rating and full accreditation from the Better Business Bureau during our almost decades in existence. Trust us to help you with your AC needs. When you experience air conditioning issues, call Executive Cooling and Heating to schedule AC repairs.

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